
90 x 90 cm, Mixed media and gold leaf on cotton canvas, 2024

‘Rizza’ (sea urchin), further echoes the ethos of change that the exhibition Mewga wished to impart. The ecological changes which have taken place around the Maltese Islands over the past decade have had a catastrophic consequences on the viability of this sea creature.

Cassar looks back on a youth spent walking across rocky beaches whilst being mindful of the devastating effects (if stepped upon) of a sea urchin’s spikes in the soles of one’s feet. Searching for sea urchins on our rocky shores was once a very popular activity amongst adults and children alike. Indeed, eating them fresh out of the sea on a hot summer’s day was typical of a Maltese summer’s day. For decades, sea urchins have formed a major part of Maltese cuisine. Rich in flavour, sea urchins were always found at fishmongers, markets and fish restaurants. In truth, sea urchins are a major part of the Mediterranean culture.

Last summer, while swimming, Cassar was shocked by the sad reality that there was not a single sea urchin in sight. Sadly, through mankind’s actions we have created a situation where they are now nearing extinction. Whilst policy changes have recently been introduce to combat this issue, the positive effect of this remedial action is yet to be seen. ‘Rizza’ is an ode to childhood, the creature’s beauty and a visual statement in favour of the sea urchin’s protection.




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